Arabella, sweet and everything that is prim and proper. Growing up in a Vicar's household gave Arabella a sense of duty to uphold all that is right in the world. Having numerous brothers and sisters meant that she had to outside of her small intimate world in the north. Since Arabella was the beauty of the bunch her mother felt she should go to her godmother in London to attract a respectable potently suitor. Her family was not poor but they did not live lavishly. Her endearing mother had saved for years on the hope that her godmother would call for Arabella.
Her time had finally come to depart for a long road trip to London. However a mishap accrued with the carriage her uncle had graciously allowed her to travel in. Being stubborn and naive to other people’s privacy outside of her small world, Arabella insisted on knocking on the closest homestead while the carriage was repaired.
Arabella later would come to find out that the homestead she demanded kindness from was the Nonpareil. The "Tulip of Fashion" for all of England, the devilishly handsome Mr Beaumaris was a confirmed bachelor. Mr Beaumaris was entertaining his closest friend Lord Fleetwood that night. The two were pleasantly passing the time waiting for dinner to be served when Arabella and her nurse mysteriously appeared at the door. After getting the down low on the women at the door, Mr. Beaumaris specifically asked if "one was pretty'? With a "yes" Arabella was welcomed into to room. Mr Beaumaris decided it allow the pretty Arabella to have dinner and warm up by the fire. Picking up on the haughtiness and snobbery from the men in her company she happened to over hear them upon her return from sprucing up a bit. With all pomp and superiority the men were discussing how they (especially Mr Beamaris) was constantly being hounded by fortune seeking damsels and he was sick of it. A confirmed bachelor Arabelle knew what she was about to do to stick it to them was wrong but she did it anyways. She Lied!
The shame if only her father had seen her then. She swept herself into the room with the announcement the she; herself was a really rich heiress of a vast fortune. She had moved on from the north to escape pursuing money hungry suitors. She wanted it to be a secret. Leaving it at that she moved on from her new acquaintances to London. Thinking that would be the end of the little white lie she told. She could not have been more wrong.
The lie followed her to London and unknown to those closest around her, all of her new found supporters were there for one reason and one reason only, money. Arabella put on the whole charade with class and dignity that was quite becoming to a young lady. All the while captivating Mr Beaumaris full attention on her. The proposals started rolling in for Arabellas hand but there was a problem a big problem at that. There was no money like everyone thought there was. Arabella put herself in a pickle of a situation but she had decided she would not marry any man unless he knew the truth. Poor sweet Arabella could she find a man she trusted enough to take into her confidence?

4/5 Awh so sweet a read it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It was so reminiscent of Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice. I loved it. I think my issue with Jane is that I am trying to read to hard into it and just could not grasp it. Arabella has created a little bridge for me to cross into understanding of Austen land. Now I see why so many people love her books. I really enjoyed this book it was light hearted and a pleasure to read.
Thank you to Sourcebooks for sending me this one!
I haven't read anything by Georgette Heyer either. I recently purchased Death in the Stocks. I love her covers, so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Q: Book Addict
Hum I have not heard of that one but I am going to have to check into it. I am onto Powder and Patch after I finish Eve. Her covers are to die for I love the art work beautiful.
ReplyDeleteJennifer I just added you to my blog roll too!
This sounds like another wonderful Heyer novel! I agree, they are more enjoyable than Austen novels. I just finished Powder and Patch and I loved it so much I read it in a day!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you liked this novel. I have it sitting on my shelf...it will be my first Heyer read also!
Thanks for linking me =)
ReplyDeleteI loved this book.. and so glad you did too! This is one of my faves of hers so far!
Arleigh, you would really like it. It is super cute especially when Mr B talks to his mangy mutt that Arabella made him adopt. It was too funny.
ReplyDeleteMuse I know you will love it. A light and easy read. You are going to get hooked just like me.
Marie, thank you for your review or I never would have known where I should have started with Heyer. What made me have to read it was that it is your favorite.
I read my first Georgette Heyer late last year, The Conqueror, about William the Bastard. I really enjoyed it, she's a fantastic writer. Next up I'd like to read the book she wrote about Napoleon and Josephine. I'm so glad Sourcebooks is reprinting these.
ReplyDeleteLady Quinlan, I really want to read My Lord John: I think. I too love the new covers on the reprints. I had no idea she wrote a book on Josephine, that would be worth getting my hands on. I am going to check in on that one.
ReplyDeletelizzy J, it's called An Infamous Army: a Novel of Wellington, Waterloo, Love and War.
ReplyDeleteLady Q, you so read my mind! I went searching for it and that is what I thought it was. I added it to my Amazon wish list. Thank you for coming back and telling me now I know for sure.