Friday, October 07, 2011

Safe Blogging for Teens

I came across this information at the library and could not pass up the chance to pass on some wonderful information not just for kids but for parents also. We live in a time where computers have become a weapon of sorts. A online place where teenagers can be viciously bullied to the brink of severe consequences. As a parent I feel that we have to take the initiative and really play a proactive role in our children's lives even if they are age 7 or 17. The biggest online misconception out there is that what you put on the web it NEVER fully goes away and in the age of Facebook our young adults can find themselves in a bit of a pickle for acting on impulse. If you are being bullied please go to an adult, either your parents, an aunt or uncle, grandparents, a teacher, the school lunch lady anyone you are comfortable with because really people do love you and just because one person or group pushes nothing but negative junk at you it does not mean that you are not important. Trust me take it from someone who has been there it gets better and at this point in your life nothing is forever not even the jerks that have to tear everyone down to make themselves feel better.
Safe Blogging tips for teens
Be anonymous. Avoid postings that could help a stranger to locate you. This includes your last name, address, phone numbers, sports teams, the town you live in, and where you hang out.

Protect your info. Check to see if your services has a "friends" list that allows you to decide who can visit your profile or blog. If so, allow only people you know and trust.

Avoid in-person meeting. Don't get together with someone you "meet" in a profile or blog unless you are certain of their actual identity. Talk it over with an adult first. Although it's still not risk-free, arrange any meetings in  a public place and bring along some friends, your parents, or a trusted adult.

Think before you post. What's uploaded to the Net can be downloaded by anyone and passed around or posted online pretty much forever. Avoid posting photos that allow people to identify you, especially sexually suggestive images.

Check comments regularly. Don't respond to mean or embarrassing comments.

Be honest about your age. Membership rules are there to protect people. If you are too you to sign up, don't lie about your age.

Information courtesy of ALA American Library Association, Illinois Library Association and

Kids and parents for additional information on this topic:
Connect Safely
Get Net Wise
If you would also like a PDF of this information in a printable bookmark check out


  1. Thanks so much for the info! I have a teen who has a blog.

  2. This is great information! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Right on ladies I figured since it was helpful to me to get an idea of where to draw the line. I hope it helps you too!


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