"Requesting the Honour of Your Presence…On September 14Th to September 18Th, You are cordially invited to attend:
Introducing the Charter Members of The Historical Fiction Bloggers Round Table Event:
Marie at The Burton Review
Lucy at Enchanted by Josephine
Arleigh at Historical-fiction.com
Amy at Passages To The Past
Allie at Hist-Fic Chick
Lizzy at Historically Obsessed
Heather at The Maiden's Court
"This event is the first of its kind and we’re thrilled about it! The idea originated with Marie Burton from that incredibly delectable site: The Burton Review. She put the bug in our ear and a few of us got together to present to you this first-time-ever special event"
Monday,Sept. 14th: Enchanted by Josephine receives Royal Heiress of the Day: Heather
Guest Post: Fact or Fiction…The Death of Cleopatra
Also on Monday,Sept. 14th: The Burton Review receives Royal Heiress of the Day: Allie
Guest Post: Mary Queen of Scots
Tuesday, Sept. 15th: Hist-Fic-Chick receives Royal Heiress of the Day: Amy
Guest Post: Elizabeth I
Wednesday, Sept. 16th: Passages to The Past receives Royal Heiress of the Day: Lucy
Guest Post: The Royal Granddaughter…Another Josephine
Also on Wednesday, Sept. 16th: Historical-fiction.com receives Royal Heiress of the Day: Lizzy
Guest Post: Catherine Howard, The Rose With Out a Thorn
Thursday, Sept. 17th: The Maiden’s Court receives Royal Heiress of the Day: Arleigh
Guest Post: Eleanore of Equitaine: Mother of a Dynasty
Friday, September 18th: Historically Obsessed receives Royal Heiress of the Day: Marie
Guest Post: Me & Anne Boleyn
"AND...Get this: Along with this comes FANTABULOUS GIVEAWAYS!
And that’s not all!!! Some of these HF guest bloggers will also be posting additional fun stuff and more on their site daily to keep you coming back for more.
…The Royal Courts anxiously await your presence… Here is the link to Our Event"
Been waiting for this!