"Good Christian people, I am come hither to die, for according to the law, and by the law I am judged to die, and therefore I will speak nothing against it. I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speak anything of that, whereof I am accused and condemned to die, but I pray God save the king and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never: and to me he was ever a good, a gentle and sovereign lord. And if any person will meddle of my cause, I require them to judge the best. And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me. O Lord have mercy on me, to God I commend my soul"
Anne Boleyn is one of Histories most prolific women. Born ahead of her time and destined to become a doomed Queen. It has been concluded by historians that Anne did not have a sixth finger and it was quite possible she was Rh negative. For those of you who do not know what Rh negative you can read more about it here. Her body was found during renovations done by Queen Victoria and they found her hands were slim and normal.

In 1526 King Henry began his pursuit, but as it happened her sister Mary was recently dismissed from being his mistress after having his children. It was even rumored that Henry had had relations with the girls mother also. King Henry VIII empowered Anne with his undying lust for her & thus she became a powerful force to be reckoned with. Henry had dismissed his pious catholic first wife Catherine of Aragon. Catherine was formally stripped of her title as Queen and banished from court. Their only child Mary was proclaimed to be a bastard. Anne was consequently crowned on June 1, 1533. She was a lavish Queen who had a taste for enjoying the finer things in life. . There were over two hundred and fifty servants to tend to her personal needs, everyone from priests to stable-boys. There were over 60 maids-of-honour who served her and accompanied her to social events.
Anne was key in the driving force behind the separation of England from Rome. It is said because of her experiences in France that she was a devote Christan in the new tradition of Renaissance humanism. While she would later hold the reformist position that the papacy was a corrupting influence on Christianity. The Catholic church at the time had laid an unbroken "cloth of Christendom" all over the known modern world. At that time men of the church only had to awnser to one man the pope, who spoke for god. Anne brought the reformist position to the table. Why should the priest not awnser to the king first, they live in his country, on his land, serve him, & yet they did not awnser to him. A bonus for Henry was the church had a lot of money & goods that could be confiscated by the crown. Then he would be supreme authority over the church of England not Rome. Parliament declared Henry "the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England". Leaving him with no one to awnser to but god himself.
Elizabeth, Anne and King Henry's only child was born on September 7Th 1533 at Greenwich palace. She was named after Henry's mother Elizabeth of York who was the only woman to be mother, wife, & daughter of the crown. Anne's downfall began around when Catherine of Aragon died and her heart was said to have been blackened by poison, Anne being blamed for her death. Modern doctors concluded she died from heart disease, which was not understood then. The King and new queen wore yellow head to toe to celebrate Catherine's passing. Anne found she was pregnant again after having up to three previous miscarriages, she was desperate to have a son. Her life depended on providing an heir to the throne. Later that month, the King was unhorsed in a joust tournament and knocked unconscious for two hours, a worrying incident that Anne believed led to her miscarriage five days later. Given Henry's desperate desire for a son, the sequence of Anne's pregnancies has attracted much interest. While Anne recovered from the miscarriage Henry declared that he had been seduced into the marriage by means of "sortilege" which is a French term for either "deception" or "spells". He quickly moved his new mistress Jane Seymour in and refused her brother George The Order of the Garter.
It all went downhill so quickly from there. Mark Smeaton was a Flemish musician in Anne's employment, he was arrested and tortured for having carnal knowledge of the queen. Followed by Henry Norris, Sir Francis Weston, & William Brereton were all arrested. All Innocent men used as a scape goat for king Henry to be rid of Anne. The most despicabl

Excellent post. But what a dreadful day...
Great post and congratulations on yoru Kreativ Blogger award.
ReplyDeleteAs well as the Robin Maxwell novels, I absolutely love reading the Anne Boleyn biographies of Eric Ives, Retha Warnicke and Joanna Denny. They all have something different to say and different viewpoints on Anne.